<View width="400px" maxWidth="100%"><ActionBar><Placeholder /></ActionBar></View>
ActionBar can be used at any application level and may play many different roles, from control panels to price display areas in the product checkout. It provides a content slot and allows any content layout composition with utilities like View.
<ActionBar><View gap={3} direction="row"><Placeholder /><View.Item grow><Placeholder /></View.Item></View></ActionBar>
ActionBar can be used for displaying it as a top or bottom content section. Changing its position will change the side where the divider is displayed
<ActionBar position="top"><Placeholder /></ActionBar>
ActionBar supports large size for the page level layout areas, like header or footer. Using it will increase the padding size of the ActionBar on desktop screens.
<ActionBar size="large"><Placeholder /></ActionBar>
ActionBar is highly composable and efficiently works for combining layout utilities, text content, action elements, and other components.
<Card padding={0}><Placeholder h={200} /><ActionBar><View direction="row" gap={4}><View.Item columns={6}><Button color="primary" fullWidth>Confirm</Button></View.Item><View.Item columns={6}><Button color="critical" variant="ghost" fullWidth>Cancel</Button></View.Item></View></ActionBar></Card>
<ActionBar attributes={{ role: "region", "aria-labelledby": "label-id" }}><Text as="h3" variant="title-3" attributes={{ id: "label-id" }}>Action bar title</Text></ActionBar>